Jun 22·edited Jun 22

The most interesting article I have read in a long time. Of course I am biased, being myself a fellow Slovenian, although I was born and raised in Western Europe. I also lived 2 decades in the US, where I could never fit and felt a complete alien. There, I felt best in the company of Russians, Serbs or Chinese. I now live in China where I feel totally at home.

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Brilliant article, as an Anglo Saxon. I found it fascinating the differences in our thought processes. How interesting it was to learn these things. It made so much sense to me. The psychologist who discovered the little test to show the differences is or was a genius.

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I am a Scot born at the confluence of a number of ethnicities: Celtic, of course, but also Anglo-Saxon, Norse and maybe even Dutch/Danish - but that is really only two: Celtic and Germanic. My reaction to the test was as follows: I first of all saw the log as odd-man-out - my intellectual analysis no doubt coming from my education ( I am a lexicographer - I have spent 30 years analysing and categorising examples of Old and Middle Scots to construct the latter volumes of the Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue). But looking at the test again I saw that the shovel did not fit with the other elements that described a process and hung together organically in a way that the mere list of tools did not. This I found satisfied something deep within me whereas the exclusion of the log was merely intellectual. I experienced the same feelings with regard to the haiku and the lines of Tennyson. The haiku satisfies something too deep for words. All of this accords with my pro-Russian feelings not only vis-à-vis Ukraine but also its culture and history more generally. It seems to me obvious that Russia is in the right and Ukraine has merely been snared into the geopolitical ambitions of the US who are the Westerners par exellence.

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Such depth of insight as in this is rare indeed.. With my limited formal education which I don't regret, I am glad I am able to follow your exposition which can only make a person better. I discovered that I am an African (South African) woodcutter and quickly so.. I got a little surprised that others are not so when to me, it appeared simple to draw a conclusion.. Could it be that there is a spiritual element to the subject? Many of us Africans today empathize with the Russian people and feel that their cause is our cause too in some way, over and above the historic support we got from them to fight colonists.

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Useless babble.

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Want a comment from the great unwashed? I don't know what you're talking about. It seemed clear enough at the beginning but it segued and segued and segued. It got larded with postulates, generalisations... Finishes with: 'I have been writing versions of the above theme...'

Well okay. What 'theme' ? That 'everything's wrong and nothing is right.' ? Except perhaps yourself?

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