New subscriber here as of today. You nailed it! Those of us who love freedom and liberty must join this fight and convince our leaders to join us, too.

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Thank you so much!

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An immensely big thank you for this article .As a geopolitical researcher and all things related ,including religion , this article has the history ,local and afar ,telling us the truth of what is presently at work . If indeed Donald Trump is to save the US and the Western world ,for that matter , he must disclose to the American people what has been stated in this article .For the record ,I am not a US citizen but am part of the so called Western political hemisphere . Palestine must be FREE.

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Thank you so much for the kind words! Appreciate your support!

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May 27Liked by Sammy B

Amazing article! This is what I like to see, something that unites the working-class left and traditionalist right from the West to the Global South against our common enemies. Thanks for this.

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Love to hear it! Thanks so much!

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Unfortunately the zionist media has captured most if not all the evangelical Christians in the Western world .They own it all , congress critters ,senators ,excepting only a few through their donations from lobbying for Israel . I do believe we win this fight against lies and deceit but if people can handle what is happening in Palestine today, without question ,with live broadcast as we speak ,then we ,as a civilization are not ready for the truth . What will it take ? the actual violent WWIII that some seem to be salivating for ? Pray that does not become reality .The Western world has become very corrupt and much of the corruption is coming to light . i.e. politically , health ,pedophilia , etc. .The bottom line is they need another distraction in their efforts to obscure the real picture of the state of world affairs while they keep raping the public for more shekels/USD in their insatiable lust of forever more .

Many thanks for this enhanced article Sammy .You are correct of course ,we collectively need a major consciousness upgrade .

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Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Trump is no better than the established politicians. Even begin to believe that the apparent polarization is consciously cultivated to form the perception that this person represents a real alternative.

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I did say that we shouldn't put our hope in Trump, however, because he is likely the next president, we should try to push him to embrace multipolarity, and if he doesn't, it's our job to organize to achieve that.

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If enough people like you and his supporters ring his phones, protest at his campaign stops, and make sure all his supporters - elected officials and business interests - understand the zionist position and why it is anti-American and anti-human we might move him.

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A lot to think about .. Tkxs

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If ANYONE thinks Trump is going to “save” us/America, they are delusional. Trump gave us “Operation Warp Speed”, he continued the O’Bomber assassinations, he accomplished NOTHING while in office that didn’t benefit his oligarchic friends.

Holding Trump up as the savior of America only shows how hopeless we have become.

Ever since my eyes were opened during the SCAMdemic, I’ve been praying and doing penance for my immortal soul for all the war criminals, Satanists, and thugs I’ve been responsible for electing in my lifetime.

Anyone who votes in November better be thinking about their immortal soul. It’s never too late for repentance and forgiveness…until…after your last breath.

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Thanks for reading! Appreciate it! Just copy pasting what I replied to another person because they said the same thing. I’ll try to be more clear next time but it’s more about the MAGA movement having the potential to Free America and American patriots. I acknowledge that Donald Trump most likely will not be able to achieve what he claims he wants to do, but we should still try to push him to understand that the Zionist lobbies of America are really fighting against MAGA. Trump’s a wild card, so I don’t think he is as predictable as you think.

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Excuse me, but what part of “eliminate them all” do you NOT understand? If MAGA is to be “led” by ANOTHER genocidal madman, how, in God’s holy name is America to be “saved?”

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WHO said “eliminate them all” 🤷‍♀️

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Great article, but sadly naive regarding "Donald Trump". Trump was named number 10 of the top 20 "Zionaires" in America in 2015: https://israel365news.com/302007/exclusive-americas-top-20-richest-pro-israel-zionaires-technology-and-business/. Since then he has garnered over $100 - 200 million from the Adelsons, the most powerful and rabid Zionists in America. And then there's his "family" connection, with son-in-law Jared salivating over building condos on the Gazan beach. It was Trump who sent missiles against Syria. Twice. It was Trump who murdered Gen. Soleimani, who did more to defeat ISIS than any other human being, a blatant war crime. It was Trump who withdrew from the INF and Open Skies treaties with Russia. And so much more....Trump is the very opposite of a "saviour". He is the epitome of a "Devil in Disguise". Sadly, because there are no options (America is very much NOT a democracy); and I know we want....need... to believe in someone, and to believe that there is some hope for salvation from this rapidly deteriorating quagmire. There is no "Vladimir Putin" in view to save America or the West from the depredations of the "Donor Class".

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Appreciate it! It’s more about the MAGA movement having the potential to Free America. I acknowledge that Donald Trump most likely will not be able to achieve what he claims he wants to do, but we should still try to push him to understand that the Zionist lobbies of America are really fighting against MAGA. Trump’s a wild card, so I don’t think he is as predictable as you think.

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Excellent piece. But Trump won’t do a thing. Other than Massie, the GOP is loyal to Israel first. Look at neocon bloggers like Glenn Reynolds. A law professor in Tennessee, but he believes all the Zionist twaddle. Look at the comments on his site. Cheering on genocide. That’s the GOP.

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Right now, it looks like you are right. We cannot put our faith in Trump, but we can try to push him to embrace multipolarity, and if we aren't successful, we have to keep organizing ourselves to Free America.

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